The Nebraska Mineral and Gem club meets at Camelot Community Center, 9270 Cady Ave (off 92nd and Blondo), 7:00 pm on the third Wednesday of most months. Check the Home page and Calendar page for monthly meeting location and program topic/activity.
Club meetings involve lectures, show and tell, cabbing parties, rock and gem identification, and rock cutting, wire wrapping, and display demonstrations.
The club also hosts an annual gem and mineral show in Omaha NE featuring rock, mineral, and gem and dealers, displays, collections, demonstrators, games, and other activities.
You don't want to miss this incredible display of rock hounding and lapidary work!
We are a friendly group of people all with the love of rocks.
Club's September 2019 Display at the Millard Library!
November 18, 2018 Field Trip
UNL Fossil Collections Building Field Trip
November 18, 2018 Field Trip
UNL Fossil Collections Building Field Trip